Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
Are You Ready For
Healing, Transformation, and Exploration of Your Greater Self ?
Hi, I am Alena
One of the reasons I feel I am here is to help people to discover their true selves, a great power within, and their own magnificence, helping humanity overall, as many of us are, to go to the next level of evolution, known as ascension. We all contribute to this shift that we are going through now.
It would be my pleasure to help you to connect with your Higher Self/ Super Consciousness, to receive answers to your burning questions, and to get healing, allowing you to become closer to all that you are.
Group Regression Session
Though QHHT is used for an individual one-on-one session, this group session gives you an opportunity to experience what is possible in a relaxed group setting while having fun. By simple visualization and imagery techniques, the entire group is taken back in time to past life, you meet your spiritual guide or guardian angel, and later go to a lifetime in the future. After each of these experiences, you will have a chance to write down what you have seen. At the end, there will be a group discussion.
Come Have Fun with Us While Learning Something Interesting About Yourself.