Stories from QHHT Sessions

  • A client had several painful losses in the last 10 years or so of her life. Her mom, her sister, her beloved husband and both of her sons, one as a teenager and another as a young adult - all were gone in a quite small span of time.

    Grieving, along with anger, guilt, and other debilitating emotions that come with it, were, it seems, all that she felt in the last decade or so. Though, at the time of the session, she was already recovering, regaining strength, hope and a zest for life.

    She wanted to know if she is on the right path, her life's purpose, among other things. There were some health issues that she wanted to be addressed as well. During the hypnosis, she was shown a past life of a woman, who seemed to have some mental disorder, living simply in a small town.

    That women, she experienced herself as, could not feel any emotions. Her being lost in a dark barn by herself, her wedding, a funeral of her husband - all were emotionless, with no feelings at all. She died alone. That women felt resigned and detached from everything and everyone.

    The client didn't like that life at all. She described it as a life of a zombie, who was just going through the motions. A life of nothingness.

    When we got to her HS, it was explained that that past life was shown to her for a reason. First, how it feels to be alone even when one is surrounded by people. And most importantly, a contrast of feeling nothing. Life without joy doesn't have pain either. It is just nothing. That was a lesson of that life.

    And for this now, it was to remind her that it is better to feel than to feel nothing. Also, if one keeps feelings tight and not let anyone in, it is a life that can be experienced, but it would be a lonely life.

    The client was told that her kids came to this life to learn their lessons and they needed a strong parent. She volunteered to be on Earth for her sons, as she was/is strong enough.

    The client's husband, with whom they had a beautiful relationship with, was her beloved husband in the other past life as well. They were native Americans there and he died very young in the war. At this current life, he came to connect again and teach her confidence, love, and understanding. She taught him as well - about love, children, and caring. He passed, because it was his time and they accomplished what they needed to accomplish at this time.

    As it turned out, the client had a karmic connection with her mother. They had reversed roles before, where she gave her daughter up because she couldn't afford her. In this current life, the client needed to show and teach her mother love, empathy and sensitivity despite mother's indifference towards her.

    All those loved ones that she lost are not really gone, they are around her all the time. The HS said that they all have great love for each other. The client feels them, especially her sons and her husband. They are old souls and they bring messages to her, keeping the communication.

    Her HS confirmed that she is on the right path, but she needs to focus on writing. It is her purpose to help people, who are grieving, among others. Especially those, who lost their children and specifically due to substance abuse. The client already wrote a few things by the time of the session with a quite positive feedback. She was encouraged to write more, expressing her feelings about grief, loss and moving forward. It will bring comfort to people, having a mutual understanding. The HS gave even some suggestions on how to reach people.

    The importance of writing was brought up again when the client’s thyroid issue was discussed. The HS said that when she starts writing more, voicing her feelings and emotions, this will go away.

    It was such an interesting experience the client had, such a contrast. We all will benefit from this reminder. It is better to feel than to feel nothing. And another is that people who pass - they are not really gone. They are around, helping us.

  • One client started her past life experience in the water looking at the big sea turtle in front of her. Her feet were not in sight, but she saw her red hair flowing around her and white glowing skin. Breathing under the water was normal for her.

    Later she found herself in a grotto like. Dark shaded water at the bottom allowed her to see her feet and to catch a reflection of herself. She was a young girl, a teenager, with blue almond shaped eyes, red eyebrows and “crazy long” flowing red hair. Interestingly, her hair was animated even though she was not underwater anymore. From there she went inside a small cave with sparkly dark and silver crystals covering all walls and ceiling. It seemed like she visited that beautiful place quite often. It made her happy.

    As it turned out, she was comfortable in both elements – water and air on the land. She lived with her mother in a palace by the water made from red stones. The earth around was red with rocks and small hills.

    She seemed to have a lot of freedom of going to where she wanted to go and that was the sea. While in the water she didn’t have any clothes, but when in the palace, she was always dressed properly. The client described the clothes and structure resembling 17th century type. It seemed that nobody really knew about her being so natural in the water.

    In the next scene, she saw herself at the party at her own palace standing next to a handsome man of higher ranks. They were very fond of each other and seemed to understand each other without words. She felt very safe and protected being next to him. Later she married that man. However, he spent a lot of time away in the sea. And even though she was happy on her own, the waiting for her husband was unbearable sometimes. She saw herself feeling very lonely and alone.

    In that life the woman, she experienced herself as, died young in the water, not being able to get out and for some reason not being able to breathe. She went to a spirit side and saw herself as a bright light. As a spirit, she was happy to leave and knew that her beloved were OK.

    However, the personality of that young woman she experienced came through again. She didn't want to let go of that life, as she felt that she didn't finish it, leaving her beloved mom and the husband. She felt that they needed her.

    Later her HS said that one of the reasons for the client to see that life was that she takes priority of others’ needs ignoring hers. She needs to take care of herself.

    The loneliness the client experienced there was similar somewhat to what she has in her life now. The marriage in the past didn't last, she felt lonely in that and not supported. Since then, she has been single for quite some time. Though she tended to her needs after that relationship ended and learned how to be happy on her own, she feels lonely sometimes. She understands now that a proper relationship is the one where both feel as themselves with each other, happy, loving and supportive.

    As per conversation with her HS, she needs a man who would appreciate her enough to let her be free, so she can be productive and feel as a partner in the team at the same time. She doesn’t want to wait for a man anymore, he needs to be there by her side, not just sometimes, but somewhat always. Her HS said that this type of man is coming soon to her life, but she just needs to be open and remember not to lose sight of herself when he comes.

  • At the spirit side that people experience after crossing over – death of the physical body, one might see oneself formless as light during the session. But it is not the only time people might experience a formless or abstract existence during the session. One might find themselves just being an energy in different expressions. There are examples of QHHT participants seeing themselves as a wave of energy, space in between, blackness, etc.

    One client went to nothingness and felt as she was being everything at the same time. She explained herself being a consciousness of space. Like a blanket or ocean keeping planets and everything else in space in suspense. Her "job" was/ is to observe, watch, and to keep everything in balance.

    During the hypnosis part she was very emotional. She said, she was overwhelmed because she felt all consciousness’ emotions at that moment. The following is what she explained. To experience the universe, it must be through the heart space because it is a place of the emotions. It is part of human experience to feel all emotions. Only through a physical body can they be sensed. “In space I don’t feel the emotions, I am just a wave of energies in a state of beingness.”

    Many things made much more sense to the client after the session. To put it simply, it was shown to her to understand what she is, why things are happening in her life the way they do, and her connection with her kids.

    Another client saw a black space, nothingness for quite some time, feeling peaceful. When I asked her if she could see and go to the light, she replied that even though she knows it is there somewhere, she cannot see it. That presence of darkness was all around her, it was everywhere, and she was part of that presence. It felt dense, heavy and “huge”.

    At the next scene we moved to, the client felt energy moving and light everywhere around her. Bright white light with other colors changing. She perceived herself as a ball of energy, expanding and contracting. She felt that by doing so, energy was produced within. Then she felt herself like a cell/ a particle, flashing with black specks inside her.

    When we got to her HS, we found out that the first vision of blackness was to remind the client that she used to work with shadows and darkness a long time ago. Her job was to balance the darkness, which is a counterpart of the Light. “There is no Light without Darkness. It was a contrast that she chose. She is not afraid of the darkness, but this time she wants to work with the Light”, her HS said.

    The second vision of the client being the particle was about working with energies. “She was, as we all were, part of the cell/ particle. That tiny cell mattered. From that particle, from that idea everything spun – All that is. She was told that she needs to work with balancing the energies that are part of All that it is. She has the power, she has done it many, many times before and she just needs to remember it and focus.”

    So, if you see darkness or something else abstract during your session, do not worry, consciousness is expressed in different forms even if it is not familiar to us in our everyday life. And those visions will be explained by your HS connecting to what has been happening in your life or just something that you need to know at this time.


  • Sometimes during the hypnosis people will go into the past of their present life rather than past lives. It could be because of trauma that happened during childhood that needs to be acknowledged and resolved. Or it could be because they need to see something from their past that brings them validation or something similar. Another reason could be because it would be easier for a conscious mind to receive the information this way rather than through something possibly drastically different from what a person believes and is willing to accept.

    One client, who felt a lack of love in her childhood and difficulties receiving and expressing it later in life, relived several happy events of her present life. By seeing herself with family, kids on various trips, she was reminded of the joy she had with her loved ones. Interestingly to mention almost all the visions she saw happened near the water. It brought to her mind that water has a calming, peaceful effect, allowing for fun activities.

    Her happy moments in this lifetime were shown to her as a reminder that she is loved. With the help of a guide/ the HS, she also experienced a true Love- Light poured into her. She was reminded that she is loved by God and others around her. Encouragement was given to her to love herself more, to listen to her heart and to trust her intuition.

    Another client relived two days of her past. One day of her childhood and another of her 1st interview as a young woman. That interview was correlated to what she was experiencing now with changes happening in her career. A day, where she saw herself as a girl about 8 years old was full of vivid details. She rode a bike by herself carefree and happy. She saw her beloved grandmother near the house and her younger brother there. Later the client said that if someone would ask her to remember that time in her childhood, she would not remember it at all.

    Another thing that does not happen too often in QHHT, which this client experienced as well, is that she met with her “deceased” beloved grandmother and brother again later in the session. That time they looked like when they crossed over. Her younger brother, whom she loved very much and was close to, committed suicide almost a decade ago, which brought a lot of pain, anger, and devastation to her. Those feelings were buried deep within her. She was able to receive some answers from her grandma and brother to a couple questions that were on her mind for many, many years. This client, as she puts it herself, is very skeptical by nature, so she was very shocked to see them so vividly. That encounter brought her some peace knowing that her loved ones are OK. This subject of her brother’s death and it’s effect on her was brought up during the interview, but was not on the list of the client’s questions.

    These stories show that you cannot really anticipate what one can experience during a QHHT session. It is always what is needed the most, the most appropriate and what can be handled by a person at that particular time.

  • The HS treated the client to a wonderful vision of a 17th century girl in a palace, that reminded her of Versailles in France, living a “carefree, pretty life”. She excitedly met Mozart and happily danced at a ball where her suitors had been introduced to her. As it turned out, she didn’t have any previous lives on Earth. What was shown to her was an imprint. But because she really wanted to see one, her HS let her experience those beautiful visions.

    Skipping the last day of that past life, the client was brought into the individual spaceship, watching Earth. At first, she perceived herself as spirit like, as light. Later, she recognized the spirit/herself as Jada, a tall, blue skinned female with a diamond shaped ruby on her forehead whom she encountered a few times prior the session. Jada said that she was from Sirius, but not only from there. She is rather a collection of consciousness from different civilizations. This being’s focus and mission was solely with her at this time. To bring energies to Earth and to receive collected information back from Earth through her. As the client said herself during the interview, she feels like an “Avatar” in a way. Jada is on Earth through the client. Or to say it in other words - the client is Jada on Earth. This is a way for higher dimensional beings to be on Earth – through physical people, as she explained.

    Jada is careful not to interfere with free will. The only way she can is to send energies and information that keeps her human counterpart comfortable, connected, inspired, and vibrating in the right frequency. She is part of the group with beings from different Solar systems who connect to other humans on Earth the same way. This is how they can help to shift the consciousness of the planet. They empower humans to raise the vibration.

    It is a very important time right now, she explained. Earth is on the cusp of rebirthing itself. It has already happened, however, this now moment is essential - everyone that operates in the Light must do their part. Jada and others are helping us, because Earth was not meant to go dark as many other planets did before. They died due to the lights of their inhabitants going off. Earth is too special. The galactic team cannot just give us all the knowledge they possess, but they can send feelings, emotions, and thoughts of inspiration to the people who they connect with.

    The whole planet is filled with Lightworkers located in different areas. The light these individuals emit attract each other, creating a network/ grid around Earth. It is like a blanket. Those lights must stay on and connected, or the area could go dark. The galactic team helps the humans to keep their vibration high and this grid strong. The light of these individuals affects others around, which in turn helps to raise a vibration of all humanity and the planet.

    Jada said that Earth is special. It has innocence. It was created to be everybody’s home. Right now, Earth is ascending. It is very important that some of the energies that have been enjoying Earth in all of its innocence leave, because Earth needs to fully blossom. It has not been able to, because it was constricted by a snake like wrapped around its victim. It is not going to be able to continue, so Earth would be what she was meant to be. A higher vibrational place, where everyone from all different civilizations can be a part of, rest and play. Like a playground. No other planet is like that fully.

    Other planets have had very different agendas, goals. And no other planet had a goal of only being like a playground to play and to create the most beautiful manifestations. And once Earth is in that time and space, it is going to be a unique experience for everyone from all the galaxies. Everyone will be able to see and to participate in the creation on Earth. It will be like a dance. The humans will be one with everyone on and inside their planet. It will be like a love fest and a playground for creating whatever one wants to create in a physical, which is the unique part. And it is fun. It is a unique planet, she said.

    To make sure that we on Earth are going through this transition, we need to stay connected and in the flow of the energies and downloads that are coming into our bodies that are here to anchor the light and be more in the highest excitement. We need to focus on what we love, what gives us passion, what we find enjoyable. Every choice that is being made is to be a choice that aligns with what feels the best.

    So, if we pay attention to how we feel, we will get to that happy place on our planet sooner.